Active Practice


Our practice has been awarded the RCGP Active Practice Charter

As a practice we recognise the health benefits of regular physical activity and breaking up time seated or lying awake.

We have been awarded for achieving the RCGP Active Practice Charter.

Regularly active people have lower health risks

Cognitive decline

down 40%

Type 2 diabetes



down 33%


down 48%

All-cause mortality

down 30%

Bone fractures

down 66%

Breast cancer

down 20%

Coronary heart disease and stroke

down 25%

Colorectal cancer

down 19%

Source: Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific report (2018); Department of Health & Human Services - USA

Certificate of Achievement

Keston and Moorings Medical Practice

Awarded in recognition for achieving Active Practice status by reducing sedentary behaviour in staff and patients, increasing physical activity in staff and patients, and being part of an active community.

To view a copy of our certificate, please contact the practice.